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Training Tips

Cyclist on a road with The Feed helmetRunner on a trail wearing a hydration vestTriathlete in an aero position on a bike, wearing a The Feed aero helmet

Our latest insider scoops

Why Strong is Fast

The endurance sports world is changing and we're finally in a space where being fit is no longer a compromise for health. Here is how to avoid the trap that's led to “burnout”, overtraining, and injury/illness plagued seasons.

Collagen and Athletes: What You Need To Know

While pesky injuries and issues try to hold us back from performing our best, what if we were missing something? Collagen is that candidate we've been needing.

Training Over 40: Secret to Recovery

Recovery is where the training bricks are stacked. Avoid diminishing gains as an aging athlete with these key actions.

How to combat energy loss as we age

Are you trying to fight falling energy levels? NAD+ might just be the longevity secret missing for the aging athlete.

How I fixed my knee so I could ride again

After surgery and dozens of expensive treatments, I thought I would never get back to riding. I had a torn patella that wasn't healing until I tried this protocol from the brand SwissRX. In 6 weeks I was back to riding with little to no pain.

Training Over 40: Why I take this everyday

For two years, I've been working to make a better daily supplement routine for athletes. So, I'm excited to say that we now have, what I consider, the best and easiest to use solution in the market for athletes.

How to be an amazing athlete over the age of 40 - Part 1

Don't let age slow you down... do you have a plan to stay as fit as possible as you age? If not, now's the time to make one!

Our NAD+ Triple Play: How to Boost Performance and Feel Younger

Want to feel years younger? Boost your performance as you age? Here is my most impactful daily hack that has significantly boosted my energy levels and is something every athlete should be doing.