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Cyclist on a road with The Feed helmetRunner on a trail wearing a hydration vestTriathlete in an aero position on a bike, wearing a The Feed aero helmet

Our latest insider scoops

Want to Upgrade your Breakfast?

Hitting your macros isn't enough for a high performing athlete. Try one of the most functional and nutritious shakes available from Kyoku and change your breakfast game.

A Supplement Routine Curated for Female Athletes

We are thrilled to offer one of the most unique, effective, and convenient supplement routines specific to female athletes: The Female Formula. Dr. Stacy Sims has hand-picked a personalized selection of supplements to benefit our female athletes.

Everything You Need To Know About Using Maurten In Your Training

Why are the best endurance athletes in the world all using a new drink and gel from the Swedish company Maurten? See how their products are changing the high carb notion.

One of Europe's Most Innovative Sports Nutrition Brands: Enervit

What fuels Tour de France winners, IRONMAN champions and pro soccer teams? An innovative Italian sports nutrition company called Enervit. Read about their development into the brand they are today.

An Ultra-effective Magnesium Lotion: ALKA12

Restless legs, poor recovery, and injuries are commonplace in the life of a highly active athlete. We know magnesium is a vital mineral, but ALKA12 has crafted a way to improve healing and well-being through one of the purest sources of magnesium chloride.

Ditch the Foam Roller with Thorex

The Thorex is our favorite new take on the foam roller and is sure to surprise you. This is the remedy you've been looking for to soothe a tight back from big training rides, sore legs, or that "desk posture". Check out the newest installment in our wellness world.

Our Supplement Protocol for Plant-based Athletes

As a vegan athlete, nutritional needs can differ from the average person. We worked with plant-based nutrition leader and Vega co-founder, Brendan Brazier, to formulate a daily regimen tailored to meet those needs.

Don't Let Your Gut Limit Your Performance

Athletes can be just as suseptible to gut issues as anyone, if not more so. While we often hear that probiotics are the answer, it may not be that simple. Check out why Gut Defense from SwissRX should be your first move.