Our latest insider scoops

A Cure for Healthier Hydration
Cure Hydration is a welcomed addition to the world of clean, effective, and accessible hydration – a remedy for anyone seeking a healthier way to rehydrate. Cure Hydration embraces a clean and real ingredient approach, aligning itself with the WHO's Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) formula – making it as effective as an IV drip,

LMNT Electrolytes: Benefits & Review
In the world of sports nutrition, “electrolytes” may be one of the most prevalent themes of all. LMNT is a leader in this space and we are excited to do a deeper dive on the benefits of LMNT, how it stands apart, and why you need more electrolytes.

Rawvelo: Real Food That Fuels
Rawvelo is a new brand at The Feed that produces high-performing real food sports nutrition. Dive into our interview with them where they discuss a "no compromise" mission – because a natural product can taste good and perform.

New Year, New Habits – Part 2: Breakfast Upgrades
For part two of our New Year, New Habits series, we're talking breakfast. Upgrading your breakfast can have a big impact on the energy and performance of the day that follows – check out these tips!

New Year, New Habits – Part 1: Greens Powders
For the new year, we are launching a series on which habits we can develop to improve health and performance. For the first installment, we are breaking down greens powders: a surefire way to improve daily nutition.

CurraNZ: Naturally Powering Better Recovery
Join us as we dive into a multi-part series breaking down the potent benefits that CurraNZ offers everyone leading an active life. For part one, we are discussing one of the most important aspects of an athlete's performance: recovery.
Carbs Fuel: Reshaping Effective Fueling
On a mission to help more athletes effectively fuel their sport, Carbs Fuel was born out of the belief that fueling should be easier, simpler, and cheaper than it is. They were able to produce one of the best carb-per-dollar gels out there, allowing anyone to carry less and get more.

New Year, New Neutrals
If fueling has become more of a task than a treat, we have a solution for you. Neutral options are gaining speed and allowing more athletes to fuel effectively. Take a quick dive into the neutral gels of 2024.