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Apr 7, 2016

Benefits of Organic Beet Juice Powder


By Adam Galuszka

COO at The Feed

From as far back as ancient Rome, red beets have been cultivated for their health and performance-enhancing benefits. The most recent research has confirmed what many competitive athletes already know—that the dietary nitrates found in beets, freshly-juiced beets, and beet juice powders can improve their training, racing, and recovery results. Supplements like Pure Clean Powder are becoming “go to” sports supplements among weekend warriors and top-notch professionals alike.   Because beets are a rich source of natural nitrates, they enhance the body’s ability to create nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes the smooth muscle lining of the blood vessels, increasing blood flow and oxygen to an athlete’s hard-working muscles. And this translates into greater power, endurance, strength, and speed. Other proven benefits include:
  • A faster recovery following a hard, physical effort
  • Improved digestion, metabolism and elimination, which aid in weight loss
  • Reduced levels of internal inflammation
  • Improved cardiovascular, visual, and sexual health

Pure Clean Powder Singles:

  1. It’s made from premium-quality, organic, nitrate-rich beet juice. If you’ve ever tired a powdered supplement derived from whole beets, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by Pure Clean Powder’s clean, mild taste.
  2. It’s an honest-to-goodness alternative to freshly-juiced beets that contains only naturally-occurring nitrates. Absolutely no fillers, flavors, or artificial ingredients have been added. And it contains far fewer calories and carbohydrates than whole beets or beet juices.
  3. The nutrient power of Pure Clean Powder has been protected by a proprietary extraction and low-temperature drying process. As an added bonus, each and every serving has been nitrate certified. That means you won’t have to guess at how much nitric-oxide-boosting support your body is actually getting.
In a nutshell? Organic beet juice powders offer a measured amount of the active, health and performance-enhancing nutrients found in freshly-juiced, organic beets—without the cost, inconvenience, carbohydrates, or calories!