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Mar 24, 2014

You have to eat, so make eating better.


By Adam Galuszka

COO at The Feed

This guest post is from Brody, a skier and real Feed customer.

Not all athletes are nutrition dorks. But we know we have to eat, know what is easy for us to swallow during our activities, know what we like, and we know that we ARE going to take something with us. Quite often, it's  a Clif Bar from 7-11 on the way to the gym, or trailhead, or whatever. The Feed  replaces this little stop. We are going to eat this stuff, so why not have it delivered to the doorstep, put together by someone who knows what's up? I had an epiphany while running yesterday, that The Feed isn't going to make me loads more educated abut nutrition (unless I want to be), but it can fulfill something that I see as a nuisance: deciding what snacks to carry for my daily activities. Now that I have this, I just keep the box next to my backpack, and choose a few options before heading out the door each day. It's like, The Feed doesn't need to become some big "thing" in our lives. We have enough of those, with equipment, trip planning, work, etc. Instead, The Feed  streamlines part of the exercise process, and makes doing the part we're really looking forward to, better. 1932695_417671411703586_1158702625_o

And here's a look inside my Feed:

  • GoMacro Bars are tasty! I took them on various runs and skis with me, though, and before ever even eating one, just by holding it, I had to notion that it was going to be "too much" to eat while being active. I took it on so many runs, and even when I felt low on energy, I couldn't bring myself to eat one of them. I finally ate one immediately after a run, and liked it. Going forward these are perfect for a Post Workout meal.
  • The Pro Bar Bolt chews are the greatest things ever. Substantial enough to give energy and fill you up a bit, but I'm never too tired to eat them -- for me, they never are a "chore" to eat. The flavors are great. In order to make them fit in a pair of running shorts, I suggest opening them up a bit to let the air out. They are great for during-the-workout.
  • Pro Bar Fuel bars are great for ski touring because they are soft enough where they don't freeze up like some of the other bars. They are also a bit more substantial in nature, and I tend to eat them while walking or during a "lunch break," since I never have a full lunch. They are lightweight and not too big (like the Meal bars are) to just eat real quickly. They make 100 calories/hour easier to attain.
  • Snap Candy Tart's are great. They're like little sour patch kids. It was extra nice because I didn't feel like I was eating some weird energy thing. Though I think they're too sticky to eat while running.
  • Pro Bars and Clif Bars I eat as snacks during a hike. But the entire bar, all at once tends to be too much.  I open them at home, cut them into 1/6ths, put them in a plastic bag, and carry them in my pocket to snack on during whatever activity I'm doing.
  • Drink mixes are great, but the amount-per-size-of-water-bottle ratio is never right for skiing. In the mountains, we either carry a 16 or 32 ounce water bottle, almost always. Most drink mixes aren't made for those sizes. And we aren't going to take the package with us, pour it in when we get to "about that amount of water" in the mountains. We do all of this stuff at home, because we're moving quickly in the cold. Also, it's hard to commit to pouring those in your water bottle when you know that you might just be in the mood for plain water when you're up there. I use hydration mixes pre-workout and as recovery when I get home. But often times, flavorful things are hard to drink after a big effort. I think I'm still trying to find the right taste.
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