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Jan 9, 2015

VO2max Cycling Study


By The Feed.

Calling all cyclists! Want to be a part of an awesome study? Do you own a heart rate monitor and a power meter? Our friend Dr. Craig Abrams, along with Josh Friedman, owner and coach at ATP Race Consulting and Neil Krulewitz, medical student at the University of New England in Portland, Maine have set out to research the effects of core strengthening workouts on VO2max in cyclists.   "The first round of our study, which we conducted this past summer was very successful.  We saw trends in the data that suggest a correlation between core strength and both power output and VO2max.  We plan to repeat the study in early April, and would like to recruit as many cyclist as possible to participate.  Because we are using calculated VO2max, individuals can complete the study anywhere they have access to a power meter and the open road (or trainer). We believe we have some great insights on the horizon for cyclists everywhere."   SO, are you interested? We are! Click this link ( and fill out the questionnaire. Once they've determined whether you're eligible and able to participate they'll contact you for further information.