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Jun 15, 2014



By Adam Galuszka

COO at The Feed

In the professional athlete’s world, breakfast is a moving target. What’s eaten and when it’s eaten is driven solely by purpose. For the rest of us, we can learn from the pros, and apply what they do directly to our daily routines. Start by thinking about your workout objectives for the day. When are you hoping to workout? How intense will your workout be? Build your breakfast and daily nutrition around these two considerations. If you workout early before going to work, plan ahead and have a good dinner the night before. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to eat a good breakfast before your workout, so find something light that digests easy for the morning of your workout. We love eating something solid, but not heavy. Breeze Bar 2 ounce bars are really good, along with Bonk Breaker Bites. Whatever you eat, we recommend that you keep it under 200 calories. If your workout comes at mid-day, be sure to have a balance breakfast. Purely Elizabeth Granola added to some yogurt with honey and blueberries is a fantastic option. We recommend that you eat 400-600 calories 2-3 hours prior to your workout. Be sure to have a good on the go recovery option (shake) at your desk when you’re done. If you plan to workout after your work day, be sure to eat healthy meals throughout the day and HYDRATE! Nothing tanks a post work session like dehydration. You’ll feel sluggish and your muscles won’t respond well to intense exercise. Keep a good daily hydration mix at your desk and use it frequently. We also love using a product like Vega Pre-Workout Energizer 20 minutes before a late day workout. It’ll give you a little boost and help get you motivated. As with all workouts, recover with the best possible option you can find. If your personal chef has the day off, keep on the go recovery options and a blender bottle with you as a back up.