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Mar 25, 2015

Our Nutrition Coaching Program


By The Feed.

After nearly two years of finding the best in sports nutrition, we're excited to announce our first nutrition coaching program. Over the past two years, we've gone the extra mile to help customers find exactly what they need, when they need it, for optimal performance. We're introducing this new nutrition coaching program to go to the next steps and add in more personal communication with our experts, as well as tailored plans for training and events. Here at The Feed, we've seen it firsthand. Athletes are smarter and more knowledgeable about nutrition than ever before. We believe that an athlete requires a different approach to nutrition than the rest of the population and we're focused on guiding our members through that process. In 2015, there are so many high quality products for athletes to use, there's no reason to use products that don't work very well for you. We're here to personally guide you through that process and fine tune your nutrition. We're also working with registered dietician Amanda Gilles, as well as elite athletes from various sports and dietary requirements. As an added benefit, all coaching program members will receive 15% off + free shipping on every order placed on our website. To get started, click here to learn more about the program!