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Dec 2, 2015

Meal Prep Game Plan - By Tayleo Nutrition


By Adam Galuszka

COO at The Feed

Please enjoy our guest blog post about creating a Meal Prep Game Plan by Tayler Upton, founder of Tayleo Nutrition. She recently purchased CrossFit Stapleton in Denver, CO, and has worked as a coach there for 5 years and acted as manager for the last 2 years.  In her 'off' time she runs her nutrition company (Tayleo Nutrition) by personal cheffing for many of her gym clients. They develop goal specific menus and prep meals together weekly. She also works with gyms in the area to put on various nutrition related seminars. She loves being outside, snowboarding, hiking, swimming, etc.When she is not running around cooking, coaching, crossfitting, yogaing, or playing with her dog she loves to sit down with some coffee and read food magazines (La Cucina Italiana, Bon Appetite & Rachel Ray are her all time favs)! Coaching, operating  her gym, and cooking are all major passions of hers, and she feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to do what she loves for a living! 1. Plan!!! Create a ‘Prep Check list’
  • Sit down with a pen and paper and write out your week (POST ON THE FRIDGE)
  • Start with dinner (pick 3-5 meals/recipes)
  • Move onto lunches (remember- you can make extra dinner and eat leftovers!!)
  • Pick 2-3 Breakfasts (items that are easy to heat & eat in the morning)
  • Plan out you week on paper (See Below for an example of an organized chart)
  • Be sure you have all necessary equipment needed to prep your recipes (pans/mixers/food processor/etc)

Meal Prep Grid

2. Write out detailed grocery list

  • Based off of the recipes/meals you planned out
  • Organize your list into departments (produce/proteins/dry/dairy/etc.)
  • See ‘sample grocery list’ below

Sample Grocery List

3. Clear out fridge/kitchen before you go shopping

  • Wash dishes
  • Clear out old tupperware
  • Make room for all of the yummy new stuff in the fridge!!
 4. Go Shopping
  • With a detailed shopping list (organized by department) this shouldn’t be a hassle
  • Be efficient (try to only shop at 1-2 stores) and organized!
5. Begin your prep
  • Start by prepping all of your produce (wash/cut/peel/etc.) and set aside
  • Marinate your proteins (decide what you will cook today.. and what will be cooked ‘night of’)
  • Begin the long task items first (sweet potatoes/squashes/soups/etc.) Get them going and let them do their thaaang!
  • Pre portion your snacks!
  • Multi-task!! Cook many things at once... it takes some practice!!
 6. Pack, Label, and Refrigerate
  • Organzine your meals/tupperware/etc. so it works for you in your fridge.
  • The more accessible and convenient you make your meals the more likely you will be to eat it (IE: Chop veggies/fruits/prep-prep and portion snacks/ have a few fully cooked meals ready to grab!)
7. ENJOY BEING PREPPED AND FULL OF DELICIOUS FOOD!!! Meal prep definitely takes a bit of practice… but the more often you force yourself to do it, the more routine it will become for you. If you have any questions on meal prep, or would like help ‘game planning’ a prep week for yourself please email Tayler at

Happy Prepping! #Yaynutrition