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Dec 30, 2014

How To: Use Untapped Maple Syrup


By Adam Galuszka

COO at The Feed

We've had Untapped Maple Syrup available on The Feed since late November. In the past month, it has been our #1 selling product. Untapped has even sold more than perennial favorite, Skratch Labs Exercise Hydration Mix. Whoa.

Untapped Pure Maple Syrup:

Should you rush out and order 370 packets to fuel your workouts this winter? Probably not. Unless you are Ted King. Here's the issue with maple syrup: it is still pure sugar, and it needs to be used situationally - NOT all the time. What does that mean? It means that using Untapped as your only fuel source for an all day workout, ride, or ski is a bad idea. If you're out there all day, you should prioritize solid foods before something like maple syrup. But but but...aren't we suppose to love maple syrup because it is an all natural real food that comes from trees and really nice people in Vermont? Yes! We love maple syrup, maple trees, and Vermont just as much as you do, but we've been using Untapped Maple at specific times for an extra boost. Here's how we've used Untapped with great success:
  • Alpine Skiing. We were out on the hill 2 consecutive days, skiing from 10am - 4pm to work on leg strength and endurance. At around 330pm, we took one pack of Untapped Maple and started skiing circles around our tired friends.
  • Nordic Skiing. In prep for some longer races this year, we're testing Untapped as a primary fuel source for nordic ski days that are less than 2 hours long. We're using them as our primary fuel source because they will NOT freeze in any temperature, and their easy to consume at high intensity. All signs point to Untapped Maple being a great fuel source for intense exercises that are LESS than 2.5 hours long.
  • 10 minutes before a 20-30 minute intense workout. We're pretty bad at planning ahead, so we get 10 minutes away from a workout and realize we haven't eaten since lunch. Untapped gives us the perfect little "boost" for this type of workout, without suffering from a sugar crash.
So where does all that leave you? Untapped Maple Syrup is a fantastic product, one of our all time favorites. Using Untapped over other gels is a really good thing to test for yourself, especially during colder months when other gels might get thick, or even freeze. All that said, take our advice and think about the limitations of Untapped Maple while using the product for yourself. It's the perfect product for a very specific time and place.