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Feb 27, 2017

How To Train for your First 5k


By Adam Galuszka

COO at The Feed

How to Train For your First 5k.

Are you planning on running a 5k in the near future and have absolutely no idea what you’re doing?

Well, we’ve been there before, and we are here to help! Follow these simple steps and you’ll crush that first race, no problem!

*This plan works best if followed from 10 weeks prior to your race.

Step 1: Come up with a training plan.

Set a goal time you want to run your race in and mark down your race in your calendar! 

Step 2: Learn your race paces. These paces will help you in your training. 

Ease into it! A mistake most runners make is doing too much too quickly.  Start off with a few easy runs at a pace that feels comfortable. Increase your mileage by 10% for the first 5 weeks. 

Step 3: Get into a routine. 

Establish a time to run each day and stick to it.  

Step 4: Find someone to run with.  

After a week or two of running on your own, find someone else who has comparable goals and abilities! 

Step 5: Watch what you eat. 

Make sure you are putting proper fuel in your body.  

Hydrate: Proper hydration is key to stay healthy and training hard.  Try out Skratch Labs Exercise Hydration Mix to replenish those electrolytes lost during your run. 

 RecoverMake sure you are getting plenty of protein and carbs in your diet to keep you feeling strong!  We recommend ProBar or Skratch Recovery.

Try our Running Box, the perfect training partner.

Step 6: Track your training!

Write down your training somewhere.  Use Strava? A journal? A sticky note? Whatever floats your boat!

Step 7: Monitor your mileage.  

Add up how much mileage you do each day.  This is a great way to track your progress     

Step 8: Re-asses your training plan and goals. 

Are you not progressing the way you wanted to? That will happen sometimes.  Try to start integrating workouts into your schedule! 

Start with working out two times a week These workouts should be around the goal pace you want to race at.   

Try running 1 minute hard at race pace with 1-minute rest for 10 minutes during a run.  

Step 9: Cut back!

When you’re two weeks away from the big race cut back a little.  Keep up with your routine of running every day but reduce your overall volume.  For instance, if you’re running 50 minutes daily, cut it down to just 40 minutes a day.  

Step 10: Get out there and crush it!

You’re ready to go! Race hard and be confident!


Looking for more guidance?! Email our Feed Running coach, Riley at