Ever wondered what happens right after you hit Place Order on The Feed? Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how your order gets picked—by one of our robots– and the magic that happens inside our warehouse.
When you hit that magic Place Order button, what actually happens next? Well, our advanced AI robots get to work picking away across our warehouse. Ignore the guy talking on camera (yes, that’s me), and enjoy a sneak peak of what happens next.
Within about an hour of your order coming in, one robot is dispatched to pick your entire order. Just one.
These little machines are fast—picking up to 50,000 items per day. And we’re on track to boost that to nearly 80,000 a day by May.
But here’s the important part: no one lost their job to a robot. We up-leveled our warehouse team to focus on higher-value, less repetitive work. They used to walk 10+ miles a day just picking orders—now they’re doing more important stuff (and their knees thank us)..
We’re building the future of sports nutrition. Hope you enjoy the tour.