What's the last thing you want to do when exercising outside on a cold day? If you answered take a sip of cold water, then we agree. It's hard to convince yourself to keep sipping when your lips are on the verge of turning blue, your teeth are shattering, and you're not sure if your fingers are still at the bottom of your hands. Here are some great cold friendly options, to keep you hydrated and fueled in less than ideal conditions.
SiS infuses science into all it's sport nutrition. The result? Products like the SiS Go Gel. These tricky gels, use a special formula so they require no water to digest. That means when your lips are quivering on a cold day, and your muscles are screaming, "FEED ME" you can whip out one of these, slurp it down, and keep on going. Get going with Go Gel's, here.HOT CIDER WITH AN ELECTROLYTE KA-POW
Being outdoors in cold makes us crave apple cider. If you're lucky enough to frolic in the land of wide open spaces, you can't go too far without seeing signs promising "Hot Apple Cider." Now imagine being able to drink an apple cider, anytime, with an added boost only Skratch Labs can deliver. Fire up the stove top, turn on the kettle, grab that thermal water bottle, and pour in some Apples + Cinnamon Skratch before you head out for a sweat. Get it here.