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Jul 24, 2023

Athlete Webinar with Victus


By The Feed.

This July, we held a Sponsored Athlete Webinar alongside guest vendor and partner Victus. Tune in to learn more about the development behind Victus, their simply product lineup, and much more.

Victus might just be the simplicity you have been looking for when it comes to your nutrition regimen. They're the new kids on the block and they like to keep it simple – so simple they have named their drink mixes with the time you should consume them… Before (01), During (02), and After (03).

However, don’t be deceived by that simple idea. They have super high quality products.


Victus was founded in 2018 by two brothers.

Problem: Market became a maze, it was misleading, and products were just "copy-paste" style.

Solution: They made products with systematic simplicity, was performance enhancing, and athlete-centered.

Goals: To be athlete-centered, be as clear as possible, as comprehensive as possible, rooted in science, and to prioritize the desired outcome.

The Science: They employed 37 scientists, researchers, consultants, Masters Students, and PhD candidates to tackle the task. Over 18 months and 9000 hours of R&D were dedicated to developing the products.

The System: It's oriented around when the product should be used: Before (01), During (02), and After (03). Want to learn about each one? He takes us on a deep dive into each one. Check out the video here for more!