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Sep 16, 2016

A Week In The Life (Angela Naeth)


By The Feed.

"A Week In The Life" was written by pro triathlete and Feed athlete, Angela Naeth. Angela has won multiple 70.3s, 2 Ironmans and in 2015, she was under the 9hr benchmark for female athletes in Ironman. She is a physical therapist by trade and has a Masters in Physical Therapy and Bachelors in Health Science. Check out her favorite training products HERE. My week is made up of time in the saddle, running, swimming, and recovering before the next bout of exercise! I keep a balanced life which has been an ongoing process to create. I love coffee shops, coaching athletes, hanging out with close friends (including my dog, Zoe), and enjoying good wine. I wake up to no alarm (I hate alarms!). I typically go to bed around 9-10pm so getting up early is not an issue for me. My body wakes me up no matter what at 5:30am. I enjoy a solid cup of coffee and typically a Bonk Breaker for breakfast. The first workout of the day is typically a swim or run. It’s getting a little cooler in Colorado so I tend to wait and ride when the sun is out and it’s warm. I love Master swim groups and swim with them 3x/week.  I ride and run in the mountains as much as possible. Each day is typically 2-3 workouts and time for body work, strength and rest! I’m not much of a chef (or even cook for that matter!) so I often head to some local quick restaurants and Whole Foods for some quick snacks. I love my nut butters and my mom’s canned salmon.  I’m a snacker at heart and so having quick snacks/bars on hand is a must for me. In the evenings I’m typically at home with my feet up and drinking a glass of wine 3 days a week. ;)  I love music and have it on from first thing in the morning to the last thing I listen to at night. Spotify! Here’s a breakdown of a week in my life! MONDAY (recovery day) Mondays I really try to sleep in and take the morning easy. I’m an early riser so anything past 7am is a sleep in. I do a recovery swim anywhere between 3-5k.  I take it easy, focus on good stroke mechanics and often enjoy a good breakfast with friends. I love eggs with pesto! Afternoons are very light doing some computer work and often a short strength/mobility routine and massage. I work on getting some quality time with Zoe as well at the park. TUESDAY Tuesday is the real start of the training week. I begin with a run anywhere from 40-60 minutes at a moderate intensity and have a light breakfast. This is followed by a swim at a local Masters. I love Master swims because it really helps me go hard in the pool (I tend to lazy it when alone!). For lunch, I typically grab something moderately large and include a big dose of protein in the mix. Afternoons are usually a 2-3 hour ride. I LOVE climbing so I often point my bike uphill and bomb the downhill. WEDNESDAY Wednesday is all about a long day in the saddle. Sometimes I have an early swim but this varies.  I tend to get on the bike early in the summer months because of the heat. This is anywhere from 3-6 hours. I mix it up with climbing, flats, and rolling terrain.  Sometimes I have a run off the bike but it’s 20-30 minutes and easy. I tend to ride alone for long rides. I listen to music and try to empty my head! THURSDAY Almost verbatim to Tuesday. If I can get a massage booked, I squeeze this in in the evening. FRIDAY (semi-recovery day) Friday is another recovery type day. I start out with trying to sleep late again and swim in the morning. I usually do this with 1-2 other people and it’s a light swim.  This followed by a good breakfast, possible chiropractor appt, an easy spin and a strength session in the gym. SATURDAY (big saddle day in the mountains!) 7am Masters and another big breakfast (I like breakfast!) followed by a solid day in the saddle. I typically make this day all about climbing or flat interval training. It depends on what my coach decides to roll out. I love both. It’s a solid day and leaves me quite hungry by dinner time. This is where I love to splurge and go out to eat with friends. SUNDAY Sunday Run day! I typically start the day with a short ride and then get into my running shoes. It’s about time on the feet and can be anywhere from 60-120 minutes. The afternoon is filled with, you guessed it: a big breakfast, a short strength session, and massage.  On some weeks I jump in the pool and flop for 30 minutes with a buoy. And repeat! ;) Check out Angela's favorite training products HERE!