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Sep 18, 2018

A protein how-to-guide for endurance athletes | Supercharge your nutritional strategy


By Matt Johnson

Founder of The Feed.


Our customers often ask: What is the lowest hanging fruit 🍌 in regards to enhancing athletic performance? 🥇

It is universally agreed upon that carbohydrates 🍞 are an endurance athlete's best friend. However, we are quickly learning that protein is a critical component to enhancing strength 💪 and overall wellness.

We've always known that protein is excellent for post-workout recovery, but did you know that it is critical for other times of training as well. Understanding how and when to consume protein is vital to supercharging your nutritional strategy.

How much protein should I take?

Training volume 🔊 and intensity 🔥 are a driving factor when determining daily intake. For most active individuals, 15% of daily caloric consumption should come from protein. However, it is important to be flexible and adjust to the requirements of your daily/weekly training load. When volume goes ⬆️ up or intensity increases ⧡, athletes may need to increase their protein intake by an additional 5%. This is critical for individuals doing extra work in the gym and/or looking to gain strength.

When should I take ⏰ my protein?

Timing is crucial for getting the most out of your nutrition and especially protein. For gym workouts or higher intensity efforts running 🏃‍♀️ or cycling 🚴‍♂️, you should consume appx. 15 grams of protein along with a carbohydrate source one hour before exercise.

There is also a magic 30min window of opportunity after your workout to consume 20-30 grams of protein to maintain a positive protein balance.

What types of protein are the best?

This really comes down to personal preference and dietary restrictions. At The Feed, we carry everything from pea protein, to casein, to whey, to pumpkin seed, to plant-based and virtually everything in between. However, there are two main components to consider in every protein: BCAA's & essential vs. nonessential.

Branch Chain Amino Acids are a group of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. BCAA supplements have been shown to build muscle, decrease muscle fatigue and alleviate muscle soreness.

Essential proteins are those that are not produced naturally by the body, and thus need to be ingested. Non-essential proteins occur naturally in the body and don’t need to be consumed in the diet.

Could your nutritional strategy benefit from a protein supplement?

First and foremost, find a protein supplement that fits into your dietary constraints. With the correct timing and dosage, you will be well onto your way to your best you!