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Sep 2, 2019

Watch and learn about how Maurten Works.


By Matt Johnson

Founder of The Feed.

👨‍🔬Tobias is Maurten's expert on Sports Nutrition. He has created a series of awesome for their pro athletes and pro sports teams to better understand Maurten. I'm excited that we can now share them with all athletes.

1. Introduction to Maurten

Thanks Tobias. Now let's talk about how Maurten Drinks work, cool?

2. How Maurten Drinks Work and How to use them.

Alright, now tell me more about Maurten Gel?

3. Maurten Gel and How to use it.

What is this "hydrogel" you keep talking about? How does this work?

4. The secret of Maurten's Hydrogel

So how many carbs did you say I could take per hour? 100g of Carbohydrates per hour? That sounds like a lot. Tell me more about carbohydrates and how to use them to be a faster athlete.

5. How to use Carbohydrates to fuel Athletic Performance.

Thanks Tobias 🙌!

I want to try it. 👉Get your Maurten at The Feed.