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Mar 14, 2016

Thought for Food Podcast: Exercise Nutrition


By Adam Galuszka

COO at The Feed

This week we're posting what might be our first ever podcast on The Feed's blog! Surprising but true...we've saved the first podcast post for something created by our first ever summer intern, Jackson Long.  Jackson is now a full-time Integrated Physiology student at CU Boulder and has teamed up with fellow vegan endurance athlete and RN, Aaron Stuber. You can learn more about Jackson, by visiting his website. Aaron also has a great website to checkout here. If you're interested in subscribing to the Thought for Food Podcast, click here and add it to your iTunes Podcast list. You'll find their latest podcast focused on exercise nutrition embedded below. You may not hear anything in this podcast that is ground-breaking news to you, but Jackson and Aaron have done a great job of summarizing the intermediate concepts that you'll want to re-fresh ahead of this spring and summer. We can pretty much guarantee you that you didn't know your eyeballs are made from carbohydrate! LONG LIVE CARBS! TFF Episode 8: Exercise Nutrition. Note: the farting sound in the background is actually Aaron's new-born daughter Lilah. Stop farting Lilah! :) In their own words: This episode covers the basics of what to eat before, during, and after training or racing in a pretty general manner. It’s primarily dedicated to endurance athletes, since that’s what Aaron and Jackson have the most experience with. However, a lot of the information we provide can be applied to most sports. There’s no way we could cover everything on this topic in an hour, but we definitely plan on revisiting this area in plenty of future episodes. Some of the things we hit include:
  • Foods and practices for morning workouts
  • How to fuel properly during exercise
  • Does rinsing your mouth with carbohydrate increase performance?
  • Our hydration tips
  • How to recover properly in order to maximize adaptations
To subscribe to the Thought for Food Podcast, click here and add it to your iTunes Podcast list.