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Jan 23, 2015

Study: Aerobic exercise boosts self-esteem


By Adam Galuszka

COO at The Feed

The positive effects of aerobic exercise are many, and according to a study published by the International Journal of Exercise Science this month, we can now include a measurable increase in self-esteem to the list of benefits. In the study, 11 people remained sedentary (participated in no exercise) for three weeks while 16 other individuals completed 10 "bouts" of exercise during the three-week period. The bouts of exercise were all aerobic, and included running, stationary bicycle training, elliptical training and stair master training for at least 30 continuous minutes. Each participant took a Rosenberg Self-Esteem Assessment at the beginning of the study, and after the three weeks had passed. The results showed that there was an increase in score of an average 5 points for every participant who exercised. Elle Woods in Legally Blonde had it right all along:

The direct link between exercise and self-esteem is motivating us to get out there this weekend. You're only 30 minutes away from being healthier, and happier. Now who's with us?