Literally. However running 26.2 miles is also quite a challenge. Elite runners injest a lot of carbs and a lot of electrolytes when laying down record breaking times. To run your best, it’s vital that you arrive at the starting line well-prepared and have a race plan that doesn’t neglect keeping your body’s carbohydrate stores high so you don’t hit the wall before the finish. There are certain guidelines that should be followed for increasing your body’s carbohydrate stores before the race, choosing the right kinds of fuel to consume during the race, and planning out a schedule of how much and how often you should refuel during your marathon, plus how early into the race you should start. Keep reading...

It’s an unfortunate fact for marathon runners that your body can store enough carbohydrate to fuel only around 90 minutes of running. It follows therefore, that in order to keep running at the intensity that you’d like to, you’ll need to consume carbohydrates while on the move to try to keep your stores as topped up as possible. An SiS GO Isotonic energy gel, which provides 22 grams of rapidly absorbed carbohydrate in a, crucially, isotonic formula... Keep reading...