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Sep 7, 2019

Kipchoge sleeps for this many hours every day, to be one of the world’s greatest marathon runners


By The Feed.

👏We’re a big fan of the two hour nap.

In a video posted on the INEOS 1:59 Twitter account Eliud Kipchoge answered a number of questions ahead of his 1:59 marathon attempt, which will take place in Vienna in mid-October this year.

Ahead of his attempt, Kipchoge revealed that in order to be one of the world’s greatest marathon runners, he sleeps for ten hours everyday. Eight of these hours are at night, then Kipchoge also has a two hour nap in the day, we’re guessing between morning and evening sessions.

We love the power of napping for recovery. While most of us can't get in a full 2 hours per day, the 30 to 40 minute power nap can be almost as effective.

Read more about Kipchoge and his 2 hour marathon attempt at Runner's World