Sarah brings an inspiring balance of art and passion to her cycling career. Like others, the Lifetime Grand Prix has changed her focus and direction this year –but she retains her love of the experience.
What has it been like to play a creative role in your racing program?
It was kind of like how I was destined to be back in the cycling scene. Me racing “round one” was on teams and I remember feeling kind of bummed that I had to wear the same thing as everyone and you couldn’t feel different. When I found myself in a privateer position, it was a perfect opening to do some creative stuff.
My first pro contract was with the Ten Speed Hero cyclocross team and it was this perfect union of high-level design/art and bikes. It was my dream come true, it was art first and bikes second. That sort of paved the way and it’s been super cool to be a part of the design process [of my kits and the bus] (with current sponsors).
How has the addition of the LTGP impacted your experience this year?
More so than I thought it would. Well, when I heard about it I thought you could just sign up so I posted about it and said “stoked to do the Grand Prix!” and got a lot of messages asking how I got in. When I did get in, I thought this was perfect because I come from a mountain bike background but was never good enough to race the super technical ProXCT races. As it crept closer, I became really freaked out because it seemed like what I left racing for.
I honestly have learned more about myself as a person and a bike racer this season, I think because of the LTGP. It’s the most serious I’ve taken racing and it’s given me a lot of insight as to what commitment means in the sport. It’s tested me, not necessarily physically, but more mentally on how to stay focused and how to be professional [while] finding the fun.
What do you look forward to most when planning to race an event?
I feel like I have the wrong answers for a bike racer. It’s always what I want to see, where I want to go, and what experience I want to have first. Iceland, for example, was pretty “medium” on that race but I was stoked to see Iceland. I’m really excited to see a new place and go to cool locations.
For the most part, we all show up as professionals and know it’s going to be a challenging race. I find I’m more excited about stuff if it's a new experience.
Favorite experience(s) of the year so far?
I have really enjoyed meeting other racers who I wouldn’t have otherwise crossed paths with. Haley Smith is a great example; she and I have put in some time next to each other in almost all the races. We have talked about [how] she and I never would have met and had raced together. Truly, honestly, it’s been so cool to see the same women at the races and form these bonds with them.
It is [also] pushing me to do these races that I wouldn’t have necessarily signed up for on my own.
What's your fueling philosophy?
I actually get really, really overwhelmed. I don’t think about numbers and math, I honestly try to eat before I’m hungry and drink before I’m thirsty. Now, I know that the beginning of most of my races are fast and scary, so I just try to do a calorie bottle for the start. Then, I try to get in a mixture of everything (gels, blocks, Spring Nutrition).
Sarah’s Favorite Products:
Skratch Labs Recovery Mix (Horchata)
(and a classic PB & J)