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Aug 24, 2022

HPT Athlete Interview: Peter Stetina


By The Feed.

Pete Stetina has transitioned from the World Tour scene to the gravel and off-road one, making an immense impact upon his arrival. Check out our interview with him and what he has to say about his experience this year!

What are your thoughts on how you have performed over the course of the LTGP and how are you able to be consistent through the season?

As a whole, the season has been a struggle compared to last year. Last year, I won most events I went to and it went swimmingly. This year has sort of been one hiccup after another with injuries, illness, and the recent birth of my twins.

I feel it [the LTGP] has fallen more into more of a mountain biker-favored wheelhouse vs drop-bar style of racing.

In the LTGP, 2nd - 5th is extremely tight and does provide motivation but that’s all dependent on family life and how much I can prep for the remaining events.

With a World Tour background, I’m used to ~80 race days or so with multiple even in one week. So I have the depth and foundation, but the LTGP is only one part of my season. For example, I love the BWR (Quadruple Crown which Pete is leading) and other independent races as well.

What are some highlights of your year?

As I've come to the gravel race scene and environment, I always loved the mass start nature of them and their ability to highlight unique communities.

Transcordilleras (self-supported Columbian stage race across the Andes) that I won was one of the biggest weeks I’ve had on a bike – I loved experiencing it and the environment there in the Andes.

BWR AVL was a great experience because it provided a different terrain, region, and culture than I’m used to and provided a new experience.

Oregon Trail - “it’s like a summer camp for bike dorks”

Stetina's Paydirt

The Paydirt was born out of an idea to give back to the community. It’s more about getting the best day out of riding a bike and not just a cutthroat race.

We’ve built fun bonuses into it and people have said it’s “one of the most unique and fun days they’ve had”.

Check it out, May 20th, 2023!

What's Your Fueling Philosophy?

I’d say I’m a bit more old-school in comparison to the newer recommendations. I think people get caught up in the math and do not listen to their bodies.

My game plan is to eat at least a bar every hour and to drink when I’m thirsty. I typically start with solid food and move to the more “gummy” type of stuff, then gels towards the end. Real food is what I prefer and I’ve not (personally) found a difference between “old school” and “new school”.

I want people to know there’s room for a cookie or a PBJ; It's ok to eat real food when racing!

Pete's Favorite Products:

Clif Kid Z Bar: Iced Oatmeal Cookie

Maurten 160

Clif Bloks Salted Watermelon