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XACT Energy Fruit Bar Samples

Visit the XACT Nutrition Store
Review Rating: 4.4 /5
(84 reviews)

XACT Energy Fruit Bar Samples

Fuel from fruit, XACT-ly that and nothing more! 

The Fruit Bars that XACT ENERGY designed are a more natural way for you to fuel your workouts with real food. We know making your own homemade snacks can be tricky or time-consuming but these bars are a simple, reliable option. 

Real Food, Real Fuel 

XACT ENERGY is made from natural ingredients, tastes just great, and is easy to eat/digest while exercising. They're super soft and make for a really good alternative to chews/gels while keeping your fuel coming in.

They come in Orange, Apricot, Strawberry, and Blackcurrant (a 50mg caffeine option). 

How to Use It:

They come in at around 25g of carbs, so you can easily implement this into your fueling plan or use it as a snack for a day out in the woods. We recommend mixing it in every 30min on longer sessions, as you would with other bars.


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