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The Feed Softflask (150ml) by HydraPak

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Review Rating: 4.7 /5
(29 reviews)

The Feed Softflask (150ml) by HydraPak

This is the way. No more mess. Environmentally friendly. 

Pour up to 5 shots of any gel when you're heading out for a longer run/ride, this is the fastest way to consume your calories to keep you moving forward. 

  • You’ll find this to be the simplest and fastest way to consume your energy gels.
  • Empty single-serve pouches sometimes will leak on your shorts or kit. That won’t happen with this sealable cap. 

  • 100% BPA & PVC free, and dishwasher safe.

  • Doing a shorter run/ride and don’t need 5 servings? Just pour as little as 1-2 shots. Done. Or, add some water so you can have a small mix of fuel and hydration to combat any light thirst while out. 


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