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The Coffee Ride - Colombia la Narino


The Coffee Ride - Colombia la Narino

This coffee comes from a special community lot called Ecoterra, a coffee-producer cooperative in Colombia’s storied Nariño department.

It’s a special one with a special taste, distinct to its environment and the practices that bring it to life. It is a medium roast with notes of Caramel, Black Cherry, Grape, Plum, Honey.

“Ecoterra’s 117 members cultivate coffee on small farms that dot the verdant slopes of the mountains ranging from 1,800 to 2,100masl. Amidst the lush greenery, coffee plants grow organically alongside crops of corn, bananas, beans, and onions, painting a vibrant tapestry of agricultural bounty.”

This microclimate is ripe for quality coffee growth.

Nariño Coffee

“Nariño is a small department on the corner of Colombia that borders Ecuador and the Pacific Ocean. The region sits just a hair above the equator, and some of the highest-grown coffee in the world is found here. The towering altitude, framed by warm days and cool nights, is the perfect environment for slow coffee maturation and concentrated sugar development in coffee cherries.”

Tasting Notes: Caramel, Black Cherry, Grape, Plum, Honey

Roast: Medium

Varietal: Caturra, Castillo, Colombia

Process: Washed

Producer: Ecottera 25 smallholders

How to Use The Coffee Ride:

However you want! Espresso, Aeropress, french press, pour-over…there is no bad way to enjoy this high-quality coffee. We suggest packing some for the road or race trips, too!

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