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Squirrel's Nut Butter Saddle Butter Cycling Salve

Visit the Squirrel's Nut Butter Store
Review Rating: 4.8 /5
(5 reviews)

Squirrel's Nut Butter Saddle Butter Cycling Salve

Looking for an all natural product that can help prevent chafing and blisters as well as repair and restore dry, irritated skin? We were too! Which is why we're excited to add Squirrel's Nut Butter to our line of anti-chafing products. Made with natural ingredients like coconut oil, cocoa butter, beeswax, and vitamin E oil these products are gentle on even the most sensitive skin.

This salve was created specifically with cyclists in mind and contains powerful anti-chafe and anti-saddle sore properties. Its blend of all-natural, vegan friendly ingredients were chosen for their benefits and include:
  • Tea tree oil to help kill certain bacteria and fungi to prevent infections
  • Zinc oxide to help reduce skin inflammation associated with rashes and irritation while also preventing bacterial infections
  • Peppermint oil for an all natural, fresh scent

How We Use It:

Apply before activity directly to your shorts or any skin prone to chafing to prevent chafing and saddle sores. If using the tub, allow the salve to soften in the warmth of your hand then apply. Because the salve can harden in cold weather, we prefer the stick in the winter and the tub in the summer. We also make sure to apply this salve to any areas of dry, cracked skin to prevent further irritation and help speed up healing.

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