RAD Roller Kits
RAD Roller for sure has made it difficult to pick out the best kit for a number of elements and athletic needs however they have bundled a few of their most popular options to help you with that tough decision. We will say they make such phenomenal product you just want to buy it all! We won't stop you! But for the folks that truly want to grab a few tools in the "kit" format look no further as these are right your alley!
Here are the kits and also a quick snapshot of what they include:
"All In Kit"
- RAD Roller
- RAD Rounds
- RAD Rod
- RAD Helix
- RAD Block
"Point Release Kit"
- RAD Block
- RAD Roller
- RAD Rounds
"Rad Muscle Flushing Kit"
- RAD Helix
- RAD Rod
After our workouts, we like to make time (yes...this means you need to make time!!) to stretch and roll out the legs and back. We usually try and roll out 3-4 times per week if your an athlete that runs tight. Start in very small amounts of time and work into a routine. Your body will thank you!