Ultimate Neutral Gel Pack
While many athletes enjoy the variety of flavors out there, an equal amount view fueling as a task more than a treat. When fueling at the amounts necessary for high performance, flavor fatigue or unnecessary additives can dampen your ability to fuel effectively. This cause athletes to begin to struggle to consume the fuel they need, creating an under-fueling snowball.
Neutrals are on the rise in 2024 and are proving to be a reliable way to manage fueling needs. And, they are surprisingly delightful...with light and subtle flavors that are enjoyable at any moment.
What you get:
- 1 x Maurten Gel 100
1 x Carbs Fuel Gel
- 1 x Precision Fuel & Hydration Gel
- 1 x Styrkr 30 Gel
1 x Santa Madre Unusual Gel 45 Non Caf
- 1 x UCAN Edge Gel